Past exhibition
Exposition Raoul Hausmann et les poésies expérimentales Européennes

Raoul Hausmann and european experimental poetry

Artist(s) Raoul Hausmann

The present exhibition at Rochechouart uncovers both theoretical and historical aspects of the dadasopher’s creativitity, such as innovations in the last decade of his life as he investigated modern forms of intermedia and trans(e)media. Like the Renaissance phi- losopher Giordano Bruno, Hausmann diligently approached these fields as a poetic art- ist and artistic poet, grasping new dimensions that were being theorised by Dick Higgins, one of the leading lights in the Fluxus movement. Raoul Hausmann will be found to have been a unique precursor (Stirner), a fearless son of Dionysus (Nietzsche), a singular spirit (Jarry) and an inveterate crosser of boundaries (Artaud), despite his isolation in Limoges.

Michel Giroud, july 2018

The French Ministry of Culture (Cultural Heritage and National Museums Department) has awarded special supplementary funding to Rochechouart Museum of Contemporary Art for this exhibition, one of 15 selected this year that represent exceptional cultural value of national interest.
The museum would like to thank the following for their generous loans of works; Besançon FRAC Collection, Exhibition Collection from Enseigne des Oudins Gallery (Paris), Gantner Gallery (Bourogne), Artists’ Book Centre at Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche, Museum of Amused Muses (MMAM, Alpina) and Semiose Gallery, Paris.