Accessibility statement

The Department of Haute-Vienne undertakes to make its websites, intranet, extranet and software packages accessible (and its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of February 11 2005.

This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status

The Musée d’art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne – Château de Rochechouart est partially compliant with the référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité (RGAA).

Test results

The compliance audit carried out by OCITOCINE reveals that 93% of the RGAA version 4 criteria are respected.

Content not accessible

Content not subject to the accessibility requirement

The Youtube video player used on the site is developed and maintained by Google LLC.
The cookie consent management solution is developed and maintained by Digital Data Solutions B.V.

Establishment of this accessibility statement

This statement was established on 25 septembre 2024. It was updated on 25 septembre 2024.

Technologies used to carry out the audit

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Test environment

The content restitution checks were carried out on the basis of the combination provided by the RGAA reference base, with the following versions:

  • On Mobile Android 14 with Google Chrome and Talkback
  • On Mobile iOS 17 with Safari and VoiceOver
  • On Computer macOS with Google Chrome and VoiceOver
  • On Computer macOS with Safari and VoiceOver
  • On Computer Windows 11 with Firefox and Jaws
  • On Computer Windows 11 with Google Chrome and NVDA

Tools to assess accessibility

  • Web Developer Toolbar
  • Assistant RGAA

Pages of the site which have been subject to the conformity check

Information pratiques
Exposition (modèle de page)
Actualité (modèle de page)
Plan du site

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the manager of the Musée d’art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne – Château de Rochechouart to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content under another shape.


If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing content or functionality of the site, you report it to us and you are unable to obtain a response from us, you have the right to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Defender of Rights.

Several means are at your disposal:

  • Write a message to the Defender of Rights
  • Contact the Defender of Rights delegate in your region

Send a letter by post (free, do not put a stamp) Defender of Rights Free response 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07